TRHT ON WTTW 2.22.22

Chicago is one of the most segregated big cities in America, and it comes at a cost. You are invited to the kickoff event for FIRSTHAND: Segregation,
a year-long WTTW initiative that explores segregation in Chicago with a documentary series, expert talks, text/visual journalism, and community discussions. We are excited that the kickoff will feature a candid panel discussion with TRHT’s very own Jose Rico, moderated by Folded Map Architect Tonika Johnson. 
Followed by an up-close-and-personal look into the work of Healers, organizers, leaders and visionaries across Chicago, and how we address the topic of segregation. We are over the moon that TRHT’s Pilar and Susana are among those being featured!! Don’t miss it! 


Solidarity Heals

is a cross sector, community-driven process to plan for and bring about transformational and sustainable change and to address the historic and contemporary effects of racism.