
“Activists are not taking to the streets. They are going virtual during the pandemic “

Scripps National Networks 

Jan 22, 2021 – by: Cesar Rodriguez Posted at 1:06 PM, Jan 22, 2021  and last updated 1:06 PM

The sun’s rays make the Calumet River glimmer on a cold winter morning. Luis Cabrales walks on the Ewing Avenue bridge, which crosses the river into the historic East Side neighborhood in Chicago. Once a bustling industrial hub, this community is feeling the impacts of unemployment and environmental issues.

That is why the University of Illinois at Chicago graduate is fighting to revive his neighborhood.

“I have a mission to fulfill,” the local environmentalist said. “Which is to participate in conservation work and these duties to the land.”

Solidarity Heals

is a cross sector, community-driven process to plan for and bring about transformational and sustainable change and to address the historic and contemporary effects of racism.